Showing Tag: "republicans" (Show all posts)

What Is A Demolican?

Posted by ChiefJack Hawk on Monday, October 10, 2016, In : Donald Trump 
   If you're following me on Facebook, you've heard me using the term Demolican a few times, and I need to clarify this. Here it is.

We do NOT have two parties in the United States. They secretly combined their forces some years ago. We now have one Superparty with two subdivisions called Democrats and Republican in order to lead you to believe we have a choice in voting. Both those subdivisions are under the same leadership, which is why NOTHING has changed no matter who gets "voted in"---the...
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Not Worth The Effort

Posted by ChiefJack Hawk on Wednesday, January 4, 2012, In : Voting 
The last month or so has been dominated in the media by the Republican battle to name their candidate. It has been a prolonged and messy attempt not really worth the effort of acknowledging it. This worthless circus can best be equated to choosing the way you are to be killed if you committed a crime. Whether you choose lethal injection, a firing squad, or electrocution, the end result will be the same---you'll be dead. Likewise, it doesn't matter which Republican (or Democrat for that matter...
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Who Is Chief Jack?

ChiefJack Hawk Chief Jack is a member of the Mohawk Tribe based in upstate New York. His father was a famous professional wrestling champion who was killed by his employer, but it was made to look like a suicide, which caused much concern as suicide is not considered an honorable death by the Mohawks, which resulted in Jack losing status in the tribe. He eventually built up and promoted himself via his radio show, which was on the air for what was its 43rd year in August 2011, but within months, the Feds forced the Chief's employer to alter his schedule and incomeso he could no longer afford to put it on the air. He has faith in his voters to spread this Web site's word across the land. Jack is also an "unknown" authority on paleontology who first suggested dinosaurs were warm-blooded back in 1962, which drew ridicule at the time but is now a widely accepted fact with scientists. The Chief's campaign makes so much sense that the winner of the 2016 election lifted his entire campaign from this site and ran with it (without acknowledging where he got it from).. "The wall", curbing immigration, even saying that immigrants should learn English, as well as the fight against outsiders who want us to stop recognising our holidays, were ALL first mentioned here. Trump further corrupted these ideas by running as a Republican. You've had exposure to these ideas---in 2020, elect the person who originated them---Chief Jack.

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